Tuesday 23 March 2010

Candle Flame Test

I have tried many variations to create a flame for the candle using various tutorials. Some have been very realistic fires and others are more cartoony. The Flame I chose, as seen below, is the more cartoony of all tried. I still need to work out the lighting for this scene as the flame is to bright against an un-illuminated candle, as the only light in the scene at the moment is a spot light from the candle. The animation within the texture of the candle will also act as the back drop to my silhouette scene.

if the video below does not start, click on it to go to the you tube link. I have been having problems uploading videos for the blog.


  1. i dont know whether this would help, but u could film a candle burning, then post-produce it together. just an idea hun xx

  2. Nice idea, I shall have to try at least. Experimentation :)
