Tuesday, 2 March 2010

time line previs update

A preview for the opening. At the moment the camera moves to fast, the pace will be adjusted according the sounds which will come later. The ships from the Spanish Armada will be firing cannon balls at one another. Then there will be king James being crowned and the great fire of London in the distance.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - I know it's pre-viz but...

    Now that you've established this 'free space' you're travelling through, why are your numbers on a solid black oblong? Indeed, why do they need a background at all? (You may be presenting them this way for convenience, so ignore if this is true - the top image suggests that the 'space' of your timeline is black...). Also, I'd like to suggest that you should go for a much more graphical, 'line-art' aesthetic for all your time-line objects - so, instead of all these textured and coloured objects (that I fear will feel cluttered when viewed together) why not investigate ways of presenting them as three-dimensionalised ink drawings - red ink on a black background - so there is a lot of space and 'air' in this timeline world of yours; your fireworks explode, yes, but in a single colour and in a illustrative/drawn way - as opposed to computer-generated fireworks. God - sorry, you must think me very destructive, but again, I'm just trying to stop you from going down a very 'straight ahead' and literal route, when I think the essence of this project (and your personal development) is to leave the real world out of it and go for something beautifully stylised; think about it; you've got silhouettes already (which are monochromatic already) - how about limiting yourself to three colours - I don't know - Sin City stylee - or The Spirit; you are working in a theatrical way - not real world - I just want you to embrace it and simplify, simplify, simplify - but with an emphasis on elegance, clarity, and visual communication.
