An educational animation for school children about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot in a shadow puppet style. The animation should use a combination of 2d and 3 d world space. The way I plan to do this, is by having an opening and closing animation of a timeline world in which key events from the 1500's to early 1600's will play out. (Without giving great deal of information about the story in which each could contain.) As seen in previous storyboard posts, the camera will travel along the timeline passing these events to the Guy Fawkes Lantern, which is where the our story will unfold.
The opening story idea has evolved from the being in a museum to on a timeline, as the timeline can open up the exhibition possibilities (if this was a commissioned piece.) It also opens the possibility of other story's to crate a series (again if this project was to be commissioned). The image of a timeline itself helps the imagination of the audience to think outside the box in living in a different time as the timeline itself does not have any temporal or geographical ties (as seen by the audience). However I have given myself those ties for the purpose of limiting the work load to events within the British History between 1550-1610.
The opening animation should have its own artist style, which is still being searched for. So far the style for the opening, (as found in the image above) has been created with a combination of filters and adjustments in photoshop. I am also investigating other ways in which to create similar effects. I am also considering (as seem in previous posts) this style with a low opacity graphic pen filter over top, however this could just end up looking like rain. I like the look of the graphic pen style for this shot, however as the camera moves past the next event, the details King could become lost. Also another way to create that style would be needed as the same effect as previous, when using the graphic pen, has give different results. This is an area that I plan to continue to look in to.
The Spanish Armada (1588) and the Crowning of King James I of England (1603) are two events I look into and have begun to work on for events on the time line. For the Spanish Armada the cannons and balls will be animated firing and one another, with relevant water splashes (still to be investigated and created). The King will be animated receiving his crown.
The lantern (1605) will symbolise the gun powder plot. It will be animated fading into view surrounded by explosion and fireworks. The Flame within the lantern (require Alan's helps with the tutorial found) will become the location for the shadow puppet part of the story to play out.
The characters will move around as live actors, without strings attached. The transitions within the shadow puppet story will be represented and played out through characteristics of fire itself. Guy Fawkes will become the barrels of gunpowder by parts of the hat burning away. The embers from the match will reveal the house of Parliament. The King will turn around and become the bonfire on which Guy Fawkes is placed. (I have begun to investigate ways in which to this).
The shadow puppet animation will play out the time of the poem as read and recorded by Stephen Lyons. There will also be sound effects and music as found at fire festivals played throughout the animation. (Both still to be found).
At the moment all jobs to be done and have been done are all on going processes, many elements need refining, for example : characters, the way things animate etc. I will concentrate on find the style for the opening at the stage before rendering the opening sequence. The main bulk of the shadow puppets sequence is ready to be animated (excluding transitions, which are still being investigated for the best possible way). The timeline animation currently has 2 of the 3 must have events which I have started to animate. I still to finish modleing the third. and refine the some of the modles of the first two. I still have alot to and discover, but if i have time, I would like to create further events for the timeline which will be seen from a distant, for example the Great Fire of London 1666 seen further down the timeline as the camera travels to lantern.
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