Monday, 8 March 2010

pre -vis 3

There are currently elements rhat need to be tidied up, but here is my lastest ideas for transtions within the shadow story.

At the moment the transitions are not clear in the pre-vis. However, the first transition seen is when the camera zooms into Guy Fawkes hat and becomes the barrels. The transition between the two will occur in the form embers burning away to create the holes between the barrels. The second transition occurs when the camera follows a spark off Guy Fawkes match up to the entrance of parliament. The third transition occurs when the King turns to face the camera and becomes the bonfire.


  1. Hi Leanne,

    Alan and I would like the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the progress and direction of your major project; I think you're due to come in on Tuesday morning next week anyway - if you could come in for 10am, that would be great.

    In preparation for the meeting, could you prepare a short presentation summary of your ideas, visual strategy and art direction 'rule book'.

    See you Tuesday. P

  2. Sorry I didnt make it in this week, been ill with the flu bug. Will be in for 10 next tues.
