Saturday, 24 April 2010

Filling scene.

After working through and putting together the time based animatic, and adjusting the camera work accordingly i have found that there have been around 100-150 frames of unexpected dead space as the camera realigns itself to move past the first event to the second. This space has needed to filling with other time line related events. After looking back over the history books for 1600's I found every little in the way of events that would be easily scene on the time line. I narrowed it down to two events which would stand out and provoke interest in the audience. The first was the marriage of Prince William of Orange and Mary Stuart in 1677, the second was the hanging of the unfortunate and infamous Scottish Pirate, Captain William Kidd. I chose the second of the two events as it was a hanging with a difference. From the images I have seen, and documentation I have read, Kidd was arrested and shipped back to the England where he was trialed in May 1701 and sentenced to death for his first and only of piracy and murder. This unlucky man had even the disastrous death. On his execution, the hanging rope had broken, before he was hanged properly in the second try. His body was disposed in a cage on Thames River as a warning to any potential pirate.

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