Friday, 16 April 2010

Test Render Problems

Once again, as with every project so far, By week 10 or 11 I am having rendering problems when it comes to test render of individual frames to check lighting, positioning, etc. with error messages saying that the memory is low, and crashing computers, resulting in a batch render of interval frames needed to be carried out in order to check the frame.


  1. why don't you arrange a time with Alan to give your project files and approach an 'M.O.T'? Being no expert I could be talking out of turn, but I can't believe that it's truly necessary for things to be so painful and counter-intuitive; I know Heather's workflow has benefited hugely from working closely with Alan to ensure that her project is as well-established and organised as possible...

  2. I was gonna come in tuesday anyway when he is in as time tabled to, with my trusty short list of things to fix.
