Saturday 6 February 2010

Storyboard Idea 2

Camera tracks forward and left around the lantern as the main lights turn off and security lights turn on.

As the lantern becomes the closer the rotating camera the candle ignites casting light and shadows across the floor and wall, which the camera finds for a new center of focus.

The shadow focuses to the image of the houses of Parliament. Camera tracks forward towards the image.

Silhouette characters of King James I and the Protestant church members enter Parliament. (traveling across screen left to right)

As the King enters Parliament, Guy Fawkes and Catholic church members enter screen left then exit screen left

Guy Fawkes enters the tunnels under Parliament leaving barrels of gunpowder. Loads last barrel and is followed when he brings in matches and torch wood.

Guy Fawkes is arrested.
Fade to Black:

Fade from black:
Guy Fawkes on the bonfire

Fire march festival travels through the town

Straw dummy effigy of the guy as the fire marchers come on screen

Lighting of the bonfire.

Fire works display

The camera will then track in reverse order and camera moves of shots 1 and 2 with the lantern flaming burning out and the shot fading to black.
Next steps:
1. Design the interior and layout of the museum exhibit after research into museums.
2. Find and design subtle difference between the groups of characters for the audience to identify with. Four different designs are needed;
-King James I
-Guy Fawkes

3. Decided what sounds or scripts will accompany the animation. At first thought i like the idea of having children record the traditional rhyme that accompanies the story.

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